What was the system God implemented on the earth for mankind to live and to provide for them? Many of God’s people today want to leave Babylon to serve God and fulfill their kingdom assignment, but they do not know where to go or how to find the resources to provide for themselves and their families. We are going to see what God’s original plan was to provide for Adam and Eve, the first family He started. We were created to live in and expand God’s kingdom.
God’s purposes are eternal. He created the earth to establish His kingdom, and He entrusted that task to us. From the beginning, God wanted to show mankind how this kingdom of His should look in the natural when it manifests on the earth. He came down and established a garden and put the man in it to tend and to keep it. The garden of Eden was the first prototype of a kingdom nation.
Why did God come down to plant the garden? He could have entrusted the task to an angel or to any number of angels, but when it comes to His kingdom, He takes the initiative and has a personal interest. He wants to make sure it is done exactly the way He wants it. God brought a “piece of heaven” (His kingdom) and planted it on the earth. The Bible calls it the garden of Eden.
The garden of Eden was the physical manifestation of the invisible kingdom of God. There was no difference between the garden and heaven. They were the same in both essence and nature. Life in the garden and life in heaven were of the same quality; the garden of Eden was the first Kingdom Nation God established on the earth. Everything a nation is made of was present in the garden of Eden.
It is God’s responsibility to feed and take care of any type of creation that is doing what He created it to do by remaining in the place He put them. It was God’s responsibility to provide for Adam. Not only for Adam, but for the entire human race. That is why Jesus told us to seek His kingdom and righteousness first; then our food, and everything else we need, will be added to us.
Jesus said in Matthew 6:32 that our heavenly Father knows we need all these things to live and do His will. But the majority of believers are not experiencing God’s provision because they are not doing what God wants them to do.
Everything God does in relation to His kingdom is connected to a particular number, especially when it comes to His government; that number is twelve. Twelve is the number of Kingdom Government. That is why there are twelve tribes in the nation of Israel. in order to start the new Kingdom Nation, Jesus again chose twelve men. God always follows the pattern and principles He established in His Word.
The reason we have problems in every nation is because we have been operating without the kingdom of God. The reason the systems of this world are falling apart is because they are counterfeit. When that which is real manifests, people will understand the difference between the fake and the authentic. God never intended this earth to function without His kingdom. When an aspect of this earth attempts to function without God’s kingdom, there will be problems—that aspect will certainly malfunction.
If the governments of our nations are to be healed, the solution is Kingdom Government. If the economy of this world is to be healed, Kingdom Economy needs to manifest. If our bodies and minds are to be healthy, then Kingdom Healthcare needs to manifest.
When the education system of this world produces slaves, we need Kingdom Education to liberate people to fulfill their God-given purpose and sonship. We need to take back the manufacturing sector from the enemy’s hands by introducing kingdom industries.
If we want to produce healthy foods that are good for our body and mind, we need Kingdom Agriculture in every nation. That is why Jesus came and gave us the kingdom. Until now, we have not known what to do with the kingdom God has given us. It is time to manifest His kingdom on the earth. To do that, we are starting first with the Kingdom Nation. We must launch a prototype nation for other nations to copy and follow.
Why would God want twelve tribes and twelve disciples or apostles? Twelve is an important number in God’s kingdom. It is the number of kingdom government. Whatever God does in relation to His kingdom government has a connection to the number twelve or its multiplication.
God’s kingdom has twelve major components. The nation of Israel had twelve tribes, and each tribe was uniquely anointed and graced by God to fulfill a specific role in the overall function of the nation. I believe that is the reason God wanted the twelve tribes.
That is why we will follow the same pattern God established in forming this kingdom nation. God is raising up twelve tribes, each one specializing in a different area and component of the kingdom for the overall function of the nation.
Now let’s explore the twelve components of the Kingdom Nation and how we can bring healing to the nations by fulfilling what each of us is called to do.

The King
- Sonship
- Image and Likeness
- Character
Psalm 10:16 says, “The LORD is King forever and ever.” His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation. There is not a time or generation where God ceased from being a King and His kingdom stopped ruling the earth. There is a misconception among the body of Christ that Jesus, or God, will only reign on the earth during the millennial reign. That is not true.
The kingdom age began on earth the day it was created. God created the earth to establish His kingdom. He never took a break from His purpose. The only thing delaying His plan is that the people He created got distracted or were kidnapped by another king and kingdom. He has been waiting patiently for us for a very long time. The moment we align ourselves with God’s purpose for our lives, things on earth will turn for good and in the right direction. Until then, things will continue to go from bad to worse. There is no point in blaming God or the devil. God gave us the authority to decide what needs to happen on the earth.
And the LORD shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be— “The Lord is one,” And His name one. (Zechariah 14:9)
The above prophecy has not been fulfilled yet. May it be fulfilled in our lifetime.
Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, The power and the glory, The victory and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, And You are exalted as head over all. (1 Chronicles 29:11)

- Individual
- Family
- Clan
- Community
- Tribe
- Nation
People are the backbone of any nation or kingdom. The more productive people we have in a country, the more prosperous that nation will become. The Bible says that God created humans male and female. There are only two genders authorized by God. Ever since the fall, confusion came between male and female and their different roles and functions in society. They began to fight each other for domination and control.
Males began to dominate females, and then females in return started to rebel against the males. As a result, machoism and feminism were birthed. What we see happening now in families and in our society between males and females is not what God intended.
We are living in a time when it is hard to find a real man or woman. We have men acting like women and women trying to be like men. There is a confusion of identity and roles that men and women are supposed to fulfill in a society. Male and female, men and women, are still the idea of the Creator.
The reason God chose twelve men to be the head of the nation of Israel and twelve men as the apostles to establish the new nation called Ekklesia, is not because God is partial toward men and does not love women. Men and women were created by God to fulfill different roles in life. They are not created to do the same thing.
Men and women are wired differently. Their emotional needs are different. They are physically, emotionally, and sexually different. Though they are equal in the spirit, they have different emotional, physical, and spiritual capacities and needs. Only when we put both of them together will we get the complete picture, and then God will be able to fulfill His purpose for the earth through us.

The Government
- Ekklesia
- Legislative
- Executive
- Judicial
- Ministry
- Councils
When we say that God is reigning over us, what type of government are we talking about? Democratic, where we elect a righteous or Christian leader every few years to be on the top of the food chain? Socialistic, where the government owns and controls all enterprise? Or a monarchy, where one man or woman rules over the territory and people? Is it capitalistic, where only the smart ones outsmart everyone else and get the best and the most of everything? No.
In the Old Testament, when the people asked for a leader or a king to rule over them like other nations, it very much displeased God. He said they rejected Him from reigning over them. How did God plan to reign over them without a king or a leader? What kind of governing system did He have in His mind?
Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, and said to him, “Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.” But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” So Samuel prayed to the LORD. And the LORD said to Samuel, “Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them. (1 Samuel 8:4-7)
When we say that Christ is going to rule the whole earth, how is He going to do it practically? If the capital is going to be in Jerusalem, in the Middle East, how will He manage what happens in a town in Venezuela?
Kingdom Government is based on theocracy. Each individual is governed by his or her Creator by His Spirit within them. That’s why He put His Spirit in each one of us, so everyone is connected to Him individually. That is why God said He wants to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh in the last days, so everyone can be led and be taught by Him. That is what happened on the day of Pentecost.

- Land
- Nature
- Natural resources
- Kosmos
- Spiritual
No kingdom can survive without a territory. The territory the Lord entrusted us with is the earth. Earth is God’s kingdom’s real estate, and we are supposed to steward it faithfully. Instead, we have been squandering and destroying this planet. We were created for the earth, rather than the earth being created for us.
It is interesting to notice that, several times, the Lord says the earth belongs to Him. Exodus 19:5 says, “Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine.” (see also Psalm 24:1; 1 Corinthians 10:26 & 28).
In the Old Testament, the LORD told the people of Israel that if they do not take care of the land by remaining faithful to Him, they will lose the land—He will punish them by sending them to captivity.
In the New Testament, Jesus shared many parables about stewardship of the property and resources He gave to us. In the book of Revelation, we read that when Jesus comes back, He will destroy those who destroyed the earth.
The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth. (Revelation 11:18)

- Money
- Natural
- Digital
- Business
God’s people have been used by the enemy to build his kingdom. Their skills, time, potential, and money have been used by the enemy. This must stop. We say we give the tithe, the ten percent to the church, but we don’t realize what we do with the ninety percent. That ninety percent goes to the kingdom of darkness to sponsor its agendas. The bills we pay and the products and services we buy and use are owned and operated by the ungodly.
Sadly, the ten percent we give to the church also ends back up in the Babylonian system. The church has bills to pay, and when pastors get paid, they also go back into the world to buy food and products, and use services. Unfortunately, one hundred percent of our money and wealth is being used to build and sustain the kingdom of darkness, while the kingdom of God remains desolate and in ruin, and God’s people live in bondage to Egypt and Babylon.
Then God’s people wonder why many of them are sick and broke, and why God is not helping them or doing any miracles for them. Remember, when the people of God were in Egypt, serving Pharaoh and building his kingdom, God did not do any miracles for them. They were sick and broke, and there was no miraculous provision of manna from heaven.
Only when they left Egypt to build God’s kingdom, did He become their Protector and Provider. God refuses to interact and help humans outside of His kingdom purpose and context. That is why Jesus told us to seek His kingdom and His righteousness first, and then all the things we need will be added to us.
What if there was a financial system put in place to retain, manage, and multiply the wealth and money of God’s people? That is what we need to do as a Kingdom Nation. As a Kingdom Nation, one of the first things we need to build is an economy. Any nation is only as strong as its economy.
That is why God put it in our hearts to start a Kingdom Family Bank. One of the first things God established for the nation of Israel and the early church was their economy. When the people of God left Egypt, God told them through Moses to borrow jewelry made of gold and other precious metals and stones. He told them to plunder the Egyptians.
The wealth they brought from Egypt was the foundation, or the capital fund, which was used later to build the nation of Israel and to build the tabernacle. One of the first things that was established in the early church was also economy or a kingdom bank. Believers sold the portion of their possessions and brought it and laid it at the feet of the apostles. Then they distributed that wealth to meet the needs of the believers.
That is how, in a three thousand member church, there was no one with an unmet need. They couldn’t just use the resources; if they did, they would be depleted in a matter of time. They had to use a system to trade and multiply what they had. Remember, they knew the parable of the talents that Jesus told them. He had taught them to use their talents to trade, invest, give for interest, or at least put it in a bank (Luke 19:11-27).
The Kingdom Family Bank is where God’s people can keep or invest their money, instead of giving it to big corporations or the banks of this world. If God’s people worldwide become a part of this bank, we will become the most powerful economic force on the earth

- Children
- Adolescents
- Special needs
- Schools
- Colleges
- Universities
The current educational system under which we were all brought up was put in place, not to help the people, but to brain wash and program them to become slaves to a system for the rest of their lives. Actually, the education system that is out there was introduced by colonialism.
It is a trap that is set up to catch an individual who is created in the likeness and image of God, and who has been sent here to build God’s kingdom, to condition them to be a copy and cause them to serve a system for a small amount of money every month, which we call a salary.
The goal of our current education system is to train a person to get a job in Babylon and then introduce them to a system that runs on debt. It allows them to buy houses, cars, and other gadgets they can’t afford, and causes them to spend the rest of their lives paying for it all.
Consider the time you spend doing a job to make some money, and the majority, or all of that money, goes to pay for these things. How sad is it that we spend our precious life paying for some pieces of wood and metal?
A kingdom is a country, nation, or a territory that is ruled by a king. In the country where we were naturally born, we spent at least twelve years for our basic education. We were being trained to survive in the Babylonian system. When we are born again into God’s kingdom, we need to be trained to fulfill our God-given purpose. That is why we need Kingdom Education.
What is the purpose of education? We have been programmed to think that the purpose of education is to prepare a person to get a job that pays well. That is not the purpose of education in God’s kingdom. The ultimate purpose of Kingdom Education is to equip a person to establish God’s kingdom and will on earth.
This is only achieved through helping individuals discover their God-given purpose. Training is then necessary to enable them to fulfill that purpose. The process for this is recognizing what they are called to do, and developing their potential and the gifts and talents God gave them, in order to establish their identity as sons and daughters of God—reconnecting them to their heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. If the education we received has not helped us achieve the above-mentioned goals, then we did not receive the right kind of education. Instead, we were raised up to become slaves to a system.

- GGA Strategic Prayer
- Intercession
- Warfare
- Deliverance
- Special task Force
Every nation and kingdom has an army. The Kingdom Nation also has an army, but this army doesn’t fight with natural weapons. The greatest weapon we have against our enemy is our humility and wisdom.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. (2 Corinthians 10:4-6)
Each citizen of the Kingdom Nation is a soldier. Whether we like it or not, everyone is in a battlefield, so we need to learn to fight. But the good news about this battle is that the victory is already won. This is the only battle on earth that you go into knowing the victory is already yours. It is because of what Jesus did on the cross to defeat our enemy.
You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. (2 Timothy 2:3)
It is important to create a mindset of victory to live this life. You’re not fighting to win, but to enforce the victory that was already won by our King Jesus. Just knowing who you are in Christ and believing the victory Jesus has already won for us, sets the stage and models the attitude for how we face life and obstacles. This is very important. That is why the Bible says we need to “stand.”
Most believers try to get victory for the battles they are facing, and they seldom prevail. If our heart and mind are not already set, then the fight gets harder. The Kingdom Nation army fights the following ways.
Prayer: Everyone is commanded and required to pray. Prayer is not telling God what to do. In religion, prayer is one-way communication. In the kingdom, prayer is a two-way conversation. It is communion with God.
Intercession: Intercession is not just praying for someone but standing in the gap for someone, as if you’re that person. You get to experience what the other person is feeling and going through. It is a sacrifice that you are doing for someone that you love and care for, or it could be an assignment from God.
Warfare: There are different kinds of warfare in the kingdom. There is wrestling, as we read in Ephesians 6:12. There is prophetic preemptive warfare, which means seeing or knowing in the spirit what the enemy is planning to do and destroying it before he can manifest his schemes.
Deliverance: We all need to experience deliverance, and this is an ongoing process. It is de-activating, disconnecting, disassociating, and destroying every influence of the devil and his kingdom from our life, beginning with our bloodline, soul, conception, then DNA, birth, and birthright (Romans 7:6; Colossians 1:13; 1 Thessalonians 1:10).
Special Task Force: There are times when certain ambassadors need to be sent out on special missions to accomplish specific tasks for the King and the kingdom. These individuals will be highly trained and sensitive to the Holy Spirit to discern and see what both kingdoms are doing. These people should be “seers” in the spirit. This means they should have the capacity to see into the spirit realm.

- Design
- Invent
- Manufacturing
- Products
The first introduction and revelation of God we see in the Bible is as the Creator. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). We are created in the image and likeness of God. That means we are created to function as He functions. We are supposed to produce or make by manifesting the creativity of God. That is one of the ways we manifest the image and likeness of God.
Unfortunately, the church became the most consuming agency on the earth. We use everything the world produces and then come to church and sing This World is Not My Home. In most places, if the people in the world stop producing food and other necessities, Christians would die of starvation or would be forced to go back to a primitive lifestyle.
We need Kingdom Industries. We need to start producing everything we need, from a pencil to an airplane. We need to bring quality and useful products to the market. We live in a world where everything is duplicated. In some parts of the world, every product they buy from the markets are duplicates. That shouldn’t be so.
We have two groups of people: producers and consumers. Producers make decisions for the consumers. They have a strong influence over them. God doesn’t make cars and airplanes. He created the raw materials and gave us the imagination and creativity to produce what we need.
We have been trained to look for a miracle or for someone to give us something for free. Looking for a miracle is the sign that we are still in our wilderness journey and have not reached the place of our destiny (promised land) yet.
When we are in the wilderness, God fights for us and provides for us. When we reach the promised land, the situation changes. There God wants to fight through us and work through us. There is a huge difference between how God relates with us and works with us in both places. In the promised land, God wants us to partner with Him in accomplishing His will.
In the promised land, God wants us to plant and produce things. He promised to bless the works of our hands. If we don’t do anything, there is nothing for Him to bless. The church has not entered into the promised land season yet, because we were taught that the promised land is heaven. So the majority spend their entire life wandering in the wilderness without fulfilling their destiny. The people of Israel spent only forty years in the wilderness and we feel bad for them, but the church has been in the wilderness for the last two thousand years.
The first miracle Jesus did was turn water into wine. For Him to turn the water into wine, He first told the people to fill the water jars with water. Jesus was not going to do that. With the establishment of the Kingdom Nation comes the responsibility of producing and manufacturing what we need. A nation cannot survive without the necessary survival products.

- Natural
- Emotional
- Relationships
We need to take care of our health and body. When we lose our body, we become illegal on the earth. We are only useful to God and his kingdom while we are on the earth. Being on the earth is not a mistake or part of the curse.
When I travel in India, I see hospitals and medical clinics all over the place. Hospitals are popping up everywhere like gas (Petrol) stations. The food industry causes the people to become sick, and hospitals take advantage of it.
God never wanted us to be treated with medicine that we see in hospitals. He wanted food to be our medicine. God included everything our body needs to live healthy, in plants, herbs, and seeds. Not only to live healthy, but if something goes wrong with our body, everything our body needs is in nature.
The current healthcare system exploits people and runs on making money. This must change. We need to start Kingdom Healthcare centers across the globe. There are three main ingredients to Kingdom Healthcare: using things that are natural for our food and well-being, prioritizing mental health, and cultivating healthy relationships. I believe that if we follow these three principles, we can evade almost all sicknesses and diseases.
When we manifest these twelve components of the kingdom in the nations of our world, transformation will begin to happen. Each of us carries a component of the kingdom inside of us. That is the kingdom we are supposed to see when we are born again.
May the Lord help us to implement what is written in this book. The revelation in this book is only a nutshell of the vision and the plan God has for His Kingdom Nation. This is only a seed, and from this, by the help of the Holy Spirit, let us build God’s nation in partnership with Him and with one another. Amen.

Media & Technology
- Social
- TV/video
- Internet
- Music
- Technology
Lucifer was anointed by God with a very unique anointing. Actually, the word used to describe his anointing is mentioned only once in the entire Bible. We see that word in Ezekiel 12:14.
That word means to imagine and create and spread quickly. Lucifer was in charge of God’s kingdom economy, media, innovation, and manufacturing in relation to earth. That is why it is very hard for God’s people to penetrate media, economy, innovation, manufacturing, and marketing—because they were his forte.
I would encourage you to read the book The Gospel of the Kingdom to find out where Lucifer was before he fell. He was not in heaven playing music or leading worship as we were told. He was a king, and he had a kingdom.
The enemy and his children can make something and spread it so quickly; they can market it worldwide and at lightning speed. Their news and ideas spread quickly. Though Lucifer fell, God did not take back his anointing. Though it got corrupted, it is still working for his advantage and to advance his kingdom.
That is why Jesus told us to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. He wants us to study the wisdom God gave to the serpent, but when we use it, we need to be innocent as a dove. We cannot do things that are unrighteous and corrupt.
We need to take back that anointing from the enemy and use it for God’s kingdom. God already blessed us to be fruitful, to multiply, and to fill the earth. We read about this in the first chapter of Genesis.
We need to use all available media platforms that are out there to advance the gospel of the kingdom. There is nothing wrong with using them. My only caution is, don’t get addicted to them and spend the majority of your time playing games.
To be honest with you, Facebook played an important role in my life by connecting me with people from all across the globe for a kingdom purpose. The Kingdom School was birthed, and many major connections happened through Facebook. Especially during the locked down season, it was a blessing to connect and advance the message of the kingdom to the nations of the world.

- Food
- Live stock
In many parts of the world, people die because of a lack of food, while others die because of food or consuming the wrong kind of food. Knowing the importance of what we eat, God had to take the initiative in the book of Genesis to show us what is good by coming down and planting a garden.
Food is a serious business. Believe it or not, sin and every form of evil we see came into the world today just because the first Adam chose to eat the wrong fruit. Mankind eating the wrong food even cost the life of the only begotten Son of God. It’s hard to comprehend.
Knowing the importance of what we eat and its consequences, the enemy took over the entire production and marketing of the food industry in every nation. He who controls the food industry controls the quality and longevity of our life.
Eating the wrong kind of food has the capacity to influence us spiritually, emotionally, and physically. The opposite is true as well. It is important that we eat food with a gladness of heart. If we eat it worrying or sad, it affects our digestion and the absorption of nutrients into our blood stream.
Each family should have a garden, just like the first family, Adam and Eve, had a garden to manage. God was showing an example for every other family to follow. We really need to filter and sensor what goes into our mouth.
The enemy and his kingdom (the wicked) has a vested interest in the agriculture of every nation. Kingdom citizens need to take it back from the enemy. The wicked are not trying to help us; they are trying to steal, kill, and destroy. They want to steal what God gave to us, kill the life of God in us, and eventually, destroy us. He cannot destroy us if he cannot first steal what God gave to us. While destroying us, they want to make money.
The goal of the majority of this world’s food production is to extort money from us. The goal of everything the wicked do is to monetize their products and services. That’s the purpose of drug trafficking also. They don’t care about the youth or their future. They want to destroy them and make some money while doing it.
When we do Kingdom Agriculture, we must make sure the seeds we use are not genetically modified. We need to find the original seeds and plants that God started and preserve them for generations to come. The purpose of Kingdom Agriculture shouldn’t be to make money; the purpose should be the health and well-being of God’s people.
We have started small scale farming program in different countries. It is in its inception stage. We are dreaming to recapture God’s idea of food production and consumption. We need kingdom universities that are just focused on agriculture and food production. Every school on this earth need to include a curriculum on gardening and kingdom farming as part of their education.
The focus of a Kingdom Nation should be its own food production, processing, and distribution system that is separated from this world.

The Kingdom University
The Kingdom University Website
The current educational system under which we were all brought up was put in place, not to help the people, but to brain wash and program them to become slaves to a system for the rest of their lives. Actually, the education system that is out there was introduced by colonialism.
It is a trap that is set up to catch an individual who is created in the likeness and image of God, and who has been sent here to build God’s kingdom, to condition them to be a copy and cause them to serve a system for a small amount of money every month, which we call a salary.
The goal of our current education system is to train a person to get a job in Babylon and then introduce them to a system that runs on debt. It allows them to buy houses, cars, and other gadgets they can’t afford, and causes them to spend the rest of their lives paying for it all.
Consider the time you spend doing a job to make some money, and the majority, or all of that money, goes to pay for these things. How sad is it that we spend our precious life paying for some pieces of wood and metal?
A kingdom is a country, nation, or a territory that is ruled by a king. In the country where we were naturally born, we spent at least twelve years for our basic education. We were being trained to survive in the Babylonian system. When we are born again into God’s kingdom, we need to be trained to fulfill our God-given purpose. That is why we need Kingdom Education.
What is the purpose of education? We have been programmed to think that the purpose of education is to prepare a person to get a job that pays well. That is not the purpose of education in God’s kingdom. The ultimate purpose of Kingdom Education is to equip a person to establish God’s kingdom and will on earth.
This is only achieved through helping individuals discover their God-given purpose. Training is then necessary to enable them to fulfill that purpose. The process for this is recognizing what they are called to do, and developing their potential and the gifts and talents God gave them, in order to establish their identity as sons and daughters of God—reconnecting them to their heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. If the education we received has not helped us achieve the above-mentioned goals, then we did not receive the right kind of education. Instead, we were raised up to become slaves to a system.